品質政策 Quality Policy
- 以『下工程即是客戶』為全面品質管理;以『最短交期』來滿足客戶需求。
- We fulfill total quality management by treating all post-projects and processes as our customers. We satisfy the customers with the most competitive lead-time.
環境安全衛生及綠色環保政策 ESHG Policy
- 1.以『主人翁的經營理念』,塑造優質的工作環境。
With the host concept, we build excellent working environment. - 2.減少物質的濫用,降低污染及能源的消耗。
Reduce the abuse of material; decrease the pollution and the consumption of energy. - 3.使用綠色材料,持續提供客戶綠色環保產品。
Use green materials, and provide green product to customer continually. - 4.提升員工環安衛與綠色環保知識,以零污染、零事故為目標。
Promote employee’s knowledge about ESHG, target none pollution and none accident. - 5.持續維護與改善工作環境,落實公司環安衛制度。
Keep maintaining and improving working environment, fulfill the company’s policy on ESH.
衝突礦產聲明 Conflict Minerals Policy
- 身為良好的企業公民,本公司自當善盡社會責任、尊重人權,並持續關注衝突礦產議題,致力詳實調查供應鏈,以確保錫(Sn)、鉭(Ta)、鎢(W)、金(Au)、鈷(Co)、鈀(Pd)等金屬,並非來自剛果民主共和國及其鄰近國家受武裝團體控制之礦區所開採。